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Magazine Cover Photoshoot | Portrait Shoot

Writer's picture: Michaela PattersonMichaela Patterson

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Tamara messaged me and said she was chosen to be on the front cover of an international magazine, and need images quick! This was such a cool opportunity to be apart of, and luckily my schedule wasn't packed so we got her in within the week.

When Tamara messaged me inquiring about a session, I immediately noticed how invested she was in her brand and how passionate she was towards her work. She told me a little about herself, and sent some articles over for me to read. When she first showed up to the studio, her personality was like ray of light! It was such a fun shoot, and she was such a fun person with a great personality. Below will be a little about herself and the article. Feel free to take a look!

This was taken place in my studio located in Branson, MO. We had many outfits, and so much fun! Check out below part of the news article along with the Portrait images we captured.

I AM Tamara L. Hunter


Are you ready for fall? I AM!!!

As October begins, some will say we are going into fourth quarter. Time to drive revenue, complete projects and prepare for the next year. Some will say tis the season for decorating. It is fall and soon it will be the winter holidays. There are some that will say, “It is all about the pink ribbon.” Where do you “fall?” I touch all three.

Who Am I?

Let me formally introduce myself, my name is Tamara L. Hunter. Like many women throughout the world, I wear many hats. I AM the First Global Next Impactor. I AM the President and Co-founder of, a 501c3 international nonprofit online support community. I AM the creator, producer and host of two TV Shows that air on the e360TV Network. I AM creator of the “My Big Dream Life” series of workbooks and journals. I AM a Speaker, Coach, Influencer.

I AM also your sister, mother, the woman next door. I AM a survivor-warrior of disabilities, domestic abuse, cancer and more. I AM a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, friend and buddy.

It’s Fall and I AM Ready!

I love this time of year. Growing up in Southern California, we did not see the changing of the seasons as many others do throughout the world. Yet, we did have apple orchards, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, the traditional offerings. I AM hugely into decorating and all the fun that goes along with it. I am a big kid!!!

October has become known as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.” And, yes, pink was the ribbon of that chapter in my life.

When I was growing up, I was known as a “bubble child.” I had many health issues that prevented me from living what many would call a normal childhood. Since I am a few days old, wink-wink, I grew up when there was no internet, we did not have cell phones, Google was our local library and social media was our nosy neighbor that knew everyone and everything about them always ready to tell the world.

You would think I know the drill: stay up on all your medical appointments, testing and your health. I knew the drill, yet I was not living what I knew. No, I was not. Boy, did I learn a hug lesson.

This month’s theme for the I AM Magazine is Authentic. How perfect. I can share with you; I was not being authentic with my own health.

It Was Time to Live an Authentic Life!

I was 54 years old when I finally had my first mammogram. I was to later find out that for people with my family’s health history, some say I should have started having mammogram testing at 40 years old. There are other camps that will say at 50 years of age, either way you look at it, I was years older than recommended.

I can give you a whole story of why I waited. We all have those stories. Don’t we? I did. And what is crazy, I believed them. I was so convinced that I had my health under control, and I was good. In truth, I was not so good. I was a ticking time bomb.

The reality was, if I had waited much longer to finally have my first mammogram, I may not be telling you this today. I was that close to a different outcome. And, I had to pay for the fact I waited. I paid with years of my life, treatment, side effects, loss of my hair, nails, both breasts, and a complete hysterectomy. I got off easy! I am still alive. I am one of the lucky ones.

My Mission!

I had known since I was a child that I was to have a huge life mission. That I was to help people all over the world. After my recovery and clean bill of health, I knew what I was to do, get out there and make a difference. That I needed to share my story and how I was lucky. I needed to get the message out that early detection saves lives! I must share they are not alone. That there is science in “Healing through connections.” That humor, hope, heart, hugs and a whole lot of love works.

Early Detection Saves Lives!

What would you do to have someone you love and lost back for one more minute? For one more day? For one more year? Anything? Yes! I would too!!!

Yet, why is it that when we say the words, “Early detection saves lives” people’s eyes glass over and they go on with their business? Probably for the same reason I waited so long to be tested. They do not understand how this sentence affects them. Let me tell you, if you know anyone who should be tested and is not going for testing, it does. And what is even more important to understand, if that person is someone you love and want to keep alive, you and they must act, NOW!

Learn From My Story and Example – PLEASE!

When I went for my first mammogram, I felt the best I had felt in years. I had been on a year-long program of health, and I was accomplishing all my goals. I looked great and felt even better. Yet, my body was not healthy, and I had no idea. This is not uncommon. There are so many I have worked with that had a similar experience. Breast cancer does not discriminate. It doesn’t care how rich you are, where you live, who you know, what you believe or who you love. It doesn’t care. We need to understand that and band together to find ways to win! Are we good? Will you get testing done or help your loved ones? Will you promise me? I care and would love to hear from you. That you were authentic in your intention; you kept your promise and word.

The Frequency of LOVE!

I shared earlier that I host two TV Shows. I am currently in pre-production for season two with my team and co-host, Emmy Award Winner Skip Thomas for one of them. Skip is also a cancer survivor-warrior who joined me on my mission of “Healing Through Connections” over five years ago. Today we are preparing to bring back to air, “The Tour of Love Show.”

Are you ready for fun? With the look and feel of the 60’s we are blazing the trails of streaming TV to bring you a live show full of music, comedy, stories that matter plus more. We believe that we can raise the frequency of the world through love.

Love has been sung about, stories have been told and now science can prove that love has the power to heal. The format of the show has not been done before in Streaming TV. Be watching for information to come.

Sharing My Heart in an Upcoming Documentary!

During COVID I was invited to be a part of a documentary by a new filmmaker, Tianna DeNA Jones. Two years later, she has produced a documentary, “Through the Eyes of God and Humanity” that is scheduled to be released towards the beginning of 2023. Be watching for more details on my social media and website.

My Big Dream Life!

After all I have shared, my hope is that you know how amazing you are! Your life is priceless. That you are worthy of having your dreams come true. It can happen! How? By doing the work, by learning some simple skills and putting them into practice. I know, because this is how I have accomplished all I have shared with you and more. By committing to a 90-day program you can see results. I created five different books that all work together. I will share the link on how to find them at the end of this article.

I am creating a community of support based on these books, the My Big Dream Life Club is just starting. You can get involved now and be one of the founding members.

I’d Love to Come and Speak to Your Business, Organization, Community!

One of the reasons I believe I was saved and allowed to continue my life is to get out and make a difference. My business background as a high-level head-hunter managing teams and consulting with businesses along with my nonprofit team building has given me experience and a platform to get out on the road and on stages to help others succeed. If you believe that I can help you, your mission, your business and your community, I’d love to talk with you.

I asked, “What would you do with one more day?” My hope is that you will use it and join me. Together we can heal ourselves, our families, our businesses, our communities and make our world a better place today and for generations to come.

Authentically Yours, I AM Tamara L. Hunter

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